- aduncate
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English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.
aduncate — [ad uŋ′kāt΄, ad uŋ′kit; ə duŋ′kāt΄, ə duŋ′kit] adj. 〚L aduncus < ad , to + uncus, hooked, a hook < IE base * ang , * ank : see ANGLE1〛 curved or hooked, as a parrot s beak * * * … Universalium
aduncate — [ad uŋ′kāt΄, ad uŋ′kit; ə duŋ′kāt΄, ə duŋ′kit] adj. [L aduncus < ad , to + uncus, hooked, a hook < IE base * ang , * ank : see ANGLE1] curved or hooked, as a parrot s beak … English World dictionary
aduncate — См. aduncous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
aduncate — adjective curved inwards; hooked Syn: aduncous … Wiktionary
aduncate — shaped like a hook or crook Shapes and Resemblance … Phrontistery dictionary
aduncate — … Useful english dictionary
aduncous — , ♦ aduncate a. hook shaped; crooked. ♦ aduncity, n. inward curvature … Dictionary of difficult words
hamiform — adj. [L. hamus, hook] Hooked; bent at the end resembling a hook; aduncate … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
aduncat — aduncát adj. m., pl. aduncáţi; f. sg. aduncátă, pl. aduncáte Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic ADUNCÁT, Ă adj. Adunc. [< adunc]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa … Dicționar Român
Shapes and Resemblance — This assortment of 370 adjectives all refer in some way to the form or shape of things. Some are more geometrically descriptive than others, while a number of terms refer to animal forms or shapes of obscure objects. Certain adjectives for shapes … Phrontistery dictionary